Roy, Sheena, D, K, A, C and L

Roy, Sheena, D, K, A, C and L

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Our Family Photographer

Our Family Photographer
Marissa Gifford Photography

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Something's missing

Sunday evening, Roy wrapped a piece of floss around K's tooth that she'd been wiggling for a couple of weeks.  He quickly jerked down before she knew what was happening and sent that tooth bouncing across the floor.  It was hilarious! K stood there shocked for a few seconds, then got really excited and started laughing.
Monday morning she was even happier when she discovered not only the tooth fairy visited her and left a dollar but also Mrs. Leprechaun must have come back because there were 2 chocolate gold coins under her pillow!
I really want her to lose the other front top tooth.  She has a little lisp right now but I would love to hear her with both of them gone!

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