We went to Spokane this weekend for a wedding and a visit with old friends. I was planning my week around us leaving Friday between 10 and noon. Thursday evening Roy got home and informed me we were invited to the sealing which was scheduled at 1 p.m. so plans changed. I frantically finished the laundry and packed the kids until after midnight then got up at 4 so I could be ready and pack myself to leave at 5:30 a.m.! Good news, we made it. The sealing was wonderful. The kids played with some friends while we were in the temple. Afterward we were able to crash at Val's house until the reception that night.
Here's the happy couple cutting cake! Just in case you couldn't tell what this was...
We saw so many old friends from our 3 year stint in Spokane at the reception. It was fun to see how grown up my old beehives are (!!they're seniors in HS now!!). We made some fun plans for Saturday night before heading back to Val's to crash into our beds.
*Funny story: K had decided her tummy hurt and she wanted to go. Val and I took her and the rest of the kids to the van while Roy finished chatting with some friends. I thought it would be nice to move the van up by the entrance to pick Roy up when he came out. Before he came out I made a joke about him missing the van. Which there was NO WAY he could do that because he would have to pass us to get back to the parking lot. yeah. he did. As he was walking away, Val and I were laughing and I honked the horn. Roy didn't even look back. This called for more drastic measures. I pulled around the loop so the van was facing Roy and started flashing my brights (I didn't want to disturb the reception with lots of honking). NOTHING. HE STILL DIDN'T LOOK BACK. It wasn't until he got to where the van was originally parked that he started to figure things out. Honestly. I know he is not observant but really. We all had a good laugh together over that one!
Check out that Iainee-meenie grin!
Saturday started out great with breakfast with the O'Quinn family. I used to babysit their youngest when we lived there. Sean (the dad) used to joke that he wasn't mormon but he had a son who was because Iain would pray with us and whatnot. They are such a great family! We really had a great time visiting and catching up. Hopefully we can get at least Shelly and the boys over here this summer *hint*hint*
After walking in the park with them I dropped Roy off at Ray's house. He and Ray had big plans to go shoot guns and do manly man things. I think they were both too tired to move so they just talked about manly man things.
I took the kids back to Val's for 'quiet time' which translated to me taking a nap on the couch while they played upstairs. SO GLAD they didn't destroy anything! I was pretty much useless and Val had gone to run errands.
Saturday night was a big night. We had a girl's night planned but decided to invite husbands. Only two were available so luckily they are good friends! Leatha, Bethany, Val, Me, Roy, Tina and Brady headed out to enjoy the goodness of Texas Roadhouse only to find a 90 minute wait. On second though we went to Dockside. Dinner was meh but dessert...
Holy huge ice cream Batman!
I took a huge hammy bite before I realized Roy took a miniscule dainty bite. Sheesh.
I swear Roy ate most of it not me! I contented myself with picking out the Butterfinger crumbs.
We laughed. We talked. We remembered. Seriously good company. And the kids were all asleep when we got home. Roy went to bed. Tina and Brady left. Leatha took the babysitter home. Val, Bethany and I? Finally went to bed after Dave called to see if Bethany was okay at 2 a.m.
Good times. Little sleep. Definitely a trip worth repeating. Maybe sometime when the famous Joe is around so we can meet Val's wonderful man.....
I'm so sad I missed it. Really! And...DOCKSIDE! How could you go to DOCKSIDE and get a fabulous sundae without me? SO. NOT. COOL! Just kidding. I'm glad you guys had fun.
Such an awesome weekend! I had a blast and can't wait to do it again! Tina and I are up for a trip this summer, and Mel's committed herself too...I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful tradition lol :)
So jealous you got to go to Spokompton for the wedding! Glad you guys had fun! :)
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